Lara was introduced to yoga in 2002 by a newly certified friend who needed practice students. Over the next several years she ventured in and out of the practice as well as different styles until she found her “home” in Vinyasa and Ashtanga traditions. In 2011 she completed her 200 Hour with Be Luminous with a primary focus in Power Vinyasa, Vinyasa, and Slow Flow.

Lara has spent the last 6 years studying with her teacher Tiffany Cruickshank and Yoga Medicine, a school that is an adjunct to eastern and western medicine with a yogic component. In August, 2018 Lara completed her 500 hour advanced studies having added yin, restorative, myofascial release, therapeutics, internal medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine, orthopedics, and cadaver dissection studies to her training experiences. Lara is also registered as a Therapeutic Specialist and has continued with her 1000 hour studies through Yoga Medicine.

lara has completed 75 hours of advanced teacher training with jason crandell, 50 hours of advanced therapeutics and teacher training with amy ippoliti, 25 hours with sri dharma mittra, 40 hours with kino macgregor, and 25 hours of assisting with lisa black.​

In addition to teaching she is the co-founder of Yogalab Northwest, a community inspired organization that hosts international yoga teachers in the Seattle area. YLNW has hosted Sri Dharma Mittra, Kino Macgregor, Jason Crandell, Tiffany Cruickshank, Chris Chavez, Amy Ippoliti, Carmen Aguilar.

As co-founder of Viveka Yoga RYS with Dikla Kafka, Lara has mentored 67 aspiring yoga teachers in 6 separate 200 hour YTT programs and graduated 4 from one 300 hour advanced training.

When she is not teaching she spends time traveling with her husband and son.

tami hafzalla

as a yoga teacher of 23 years, tami is adept in holding grounding, compassionate space. she is committed to cultivating a practice that is warm and welcoming so students may move through a personal process, finding union of body, mind, and heart. they are guided to access profound levels of insight and freedom, reconnecting to inherent wisdom, to heal and dissolve barriers that separate us from ourselves and each other.

ultimately, tami’s intention is to share techniques to align with radiance from the inside out; connection to self, connection to others beyond name and form, connection to spirit, universal consciousness, and love.

tami is originally from egypt and has traveled extensively throughout her life. her seekers heart has led her to master teachers in india, australia, europe, and the u.s. drawing most from her classical training in ashtanga, iyengar, viniyoga, and ayurveda, her classes are artfully sequenced, strength building and meditative. tami has led teacher trainings in seattle and india and retreats worldwide. as an ayurvedic practitioner, she infuses classes with ancient wisdom for contemporary living. she offers intuitive and simultaneously skillful hands on adjustments grounded in her training as a licensed massage therapist.

tami’s greatest teacher is her beloved son, indi kainoa. from him, she knows the most profound love, patience and joy of being embodied, alive and awake in the present moment. what a blessing to be on this unending journey of renewal & transformation.

christine cheung

Christine is a 500 hr RYT and Level 2 KRI Certified Kundalini Instructor. First discovering the healing power of yoga during music conservatory, she was drawn to learn all she could. After traveling to Italy, India, and Los Angeles, to study with master teachers Gurmukh, Tej, and Harijiwan, she’s returned home to share a unique blend of all that she’s learned.
Her classes are a mix of breath work, movement, and music- drawing from her extensive background in music, shamanism, and alternative healing. She often begins the class with a weekly astrology forecast and ends the evening with original music. She loves the idea that you can arrive on your mat as you are, and leave having made sense of it all.

richard guevara

richard teaches thursday night 5;30p vinyasa & 7p vinyasa + restore. hope to see you there!

Richard is certified to instruct and guide his students through alignment based vinyasa and restorative yoga. Richard is an avid Pacific North West overall outdoor enthusiast as mountaineer, passionate climber, acroyogi, cyclist and you can count on finding him outside rain or shine. His style of yoga is smooth and favors breath over movement.

He believes each movement in itself is a pose all stemming from the core. Being a former athlete that suffered multiple injuries resulting in chronic pain, he found comfort and relief through yoga. He avidly believes in yoga’s ability to restore and heal the body as well as the mind. He loves to challenge his students and show that through practice regardless of fitness level that anything is possible.

Richard aims to have his students leave his class energized with renewed or continued faith in their ability to find comfort and release in his sessions.

anne-phyfe palmer

Anne-Phyfe has a student of the mind/body connection since she landed in
recovery for an eating disorder at age 13. She was introduced to yoga in
1994 at Physical Culture, a 90s Seattle movement institution, where she was
also an instructor. Her first teacher was Kathleen Hunt, and the yoga was
intensely physical, spiritual, and mind-blowing. She was HOOKED.

Three decades of study and teaching have taught her that the most
important thing is presence. The many different paths of yoga and self-
reflection all lead us to the wisdom of our True Self. When we can show up
with curiosity and loving kindness, a deep and abiding presence emerges.
This is a gift to ourselves, and to the people around us.

Anne-Phyfe’s focus in teaching is to find both energy and calm through
movement and stillness. Her classes will always offer options for different
bodies and energy/proficiency levels, and aim to be trauma-informed.
As founder of 8 Limbs Yoga Centers, Anne-Phyfe helped to introduced
thousands of Seattlites to the practice of yoga (as opposed to the workout
of yoga) between 1996 and 2020, and hosted national teachers Sarah
Powers, Nikki Myers, Hala Khouri, Seane Corn, Shiva Rea, Shannon Gannon,
Tias Little, Robert Svoboda, Scott Blossom, Cyndi Lee, and her main teachers
Shari Friedrichsen, Gary Kraftsow, and Rod Stryker.

Practicing Since: 1994, Teaching Since: 1996

isabella carpi

Isabella teaches Wednesday night 5:30p vinyasa​!

Isabella offers approachable, flow-based vinyasa classes where variety and creativity are the norm. Committed to uplifting others, she encourages students to use modifications, explore new relationships with laborious postures, and honor how they feel at all times. Everyday is different on our mat!

Isabella completed her power vinyasa 200 hour at Franklin Street Yoga Center in Chapel Hill, NC, and has been teaching vinyasa classes in Seattle since relocating over a year ago.

isabella is A writing coach and certified peer-mentor for people affected by gender-based violence. Isabella is passionate about actively creating safe and supportive communities, keeping equity at the center of her work both on and off the mat.

allison manzanita

Manzi’s passion for yoga, meditation, and supporting individual growth informs her classes and workshops. Her love and practice of yoga started in 2004, and has been her most consistent practice throughout her life. Her classes and workshops integrate the mental, emotional, and spiritual within the physical practice. With a background in psychology, meditation, massage, and herbology, she seeks to show up for each practitioner with a wide breadth of understanding and caring for the human condition. Her classes range from strenuous and anatomically informed to meditative, using breathwork to go deep within.

She has completed both a 200hr and 300hr Yoga Teacher Training, received a degree with honors in Psychology, and Massage Therapy Certification. Her education continues daily and inspires her classes, workshops, and retreats.

joseph burley

Forever interested in space, mysticism, and the infinite knowledge of the universe.

It was at the age of twenty that I really took my first step to become a lifelong practitioner of yoga. My physical body had been critically injured in a car accident, and after a long recovery, it was the practice of yoga that fully healed my mind and body. My practice stayed with me through the highs and lows of young adulthood. I decided to take vinyasa yoga teacher training in 2013, to deepen my yoga practice but found a deeper truth within: that I wanted to share my practice with my community. In my own practice I explore how physical asana and pranyama enable me to get out of the self-mind space to awaken a deeper connection to the cosmos we are all a part of.

jessica aase

Growing up jess was always involved in sports- playing soccer, volleyball and practicing martial arts. jess was first introduced to yoga in a high school PE class and fell in love with the synchronization of movement and breath. Throughout her life she has turned to yoga time and time again as a place to reconnect to herself and center.

she’s always loved the human body and the study of movement and studied Kinesiology at Western Washington University. she completed my 200 hr yoga teacher training focused on Vinyasa and have also completed trainings for Yin and Restorative practices.

In her vinyasa classes, she loves long flowing sequences and finding the balance between effort and ease. In Yin classes, it’s all about finding your edge and softening into stillness. When she teaches Restorative she seeks to soothe the nervous system and create a relaxing environment.

As a teacher jess strives to create a space to give students the opportunity to tune into their body and mind and find a place to experiment, play and grow.

annie cavanagh

annie teaches friday 5:30p Vinyasa & sunday 6p yin + meditation. annie also is the mastermind (master heart?) behind the healing hearts club, who you will see on the ritual house monthly event schedule occasionally.

Allow yourself to be held in a puddle of love. Annie, works to create a space for our body, mind and spirit to bring ourselves back home to ourselves. Annie is influenced by her dance background, incorporating ease and flow as well as strength and balance into the practice.

Studying Bhakti in India provided a strong traditional foundation as well as a deep love for mantras. Her class, no matter the speed, starts and ends with mantra chanting accompanied by the healing sounds of the harmonium. Annie also loves to add moments of stillness and breathwork, to calm the body and come back to the present. ​

Chelsea Forte

chelsea is a creative and compassionate soul originally from california, now based in the pacific northwest for nearly a decade, drawn by the moody weather. With a taurus Sun, a cancer Moon, and a sagittarius rising, her feelings are deeply felt, her feet firmly planted, and she’s always ready for an adventure. her personal practice began over 20 years ago as a child going to yoga and meditation with her parents, her return to the practice as an adult was a homecoming, a rediscovering that the body could be a safe place to land.

chelsea’s style of movement is intuitive feeling sequences rooted in the somatic experience and the interplay between stillness and movement, inviting awareness into the body and focus on breath. her work is informed by somatic therapy, reiki and trauma-informed care. she seeks to create space for the parts of ourselves we may have neglected, believing that transformation happens when we can experience, feel, and realize from within. her invitation is one of homecoming – coming into a more intimate relationship with oneself.

samara andrade

Samara is a 200hr E-RYT yoga teacher and a certified Schwinn spin teacher. She has been teaching weekly classes for over 13 years and has taught yoga trainings, domestically and internationally, for the last 11 years. She teaches 20 hour yoga training certifications in Myofascial Release and Trauma-Informed Yoga. Samara specializes in teaching creative mindful vinyasa sequences with a focus on body, mind and breath through dynamic and creative strengthening with playful opportunities to fly. She offers modifications to make class challenging for experienced students as well as newbies. Her tunes typically include a mix of Indie, Pop, and Classics. Samara is also a Reiki Master and Somatic Experiencing trauma resolution practitioner and offers sessions through Sacred Rain in Ballard and at her home office. She has worked in the field of global health and humanitarian assistance for 20 years and in her free time she likes to hike mountains, garden, paddleboard and connect with friends and family.

tessa nesbit

Tessa began her yoga practice in 2010, and life has never been the same! From yoga, she has learned to embody ahimsa(non-harm), karuna (compassion), and samadhi (union). From starting at the YMCA, to practicing in India, Thailand, Bali, and Mexico, and regularly attending classes at Yoga on Beacon, Seattle Yoga Arts, and now Ritual House, she is excited to share this ancient practice as a teacher.

She trained with The Online Yoga School to achieve her 200-hour Yoga Teacher Certification amidst the global pandemic. Through such sufferable times, she was able to more fully grasp the power and wisdom of yoga. In her classes, she honors the practice through teaching all 8 limbs, using Sanskrit, and acknowledging the roots of the teachings. An avid social justice enthusiast and practicing Buddhist, she intends for her practice to embody the Sanskrit mantra lokah samastah sukhino bhavantu: May all beings everywhere be happy and free, and may the thoughts, words, and actions of my own life contribute in some way to that happiness and to that freedom for all.

zak endicott

Zak has been practicing yoga in the Seattle area since 2007 and enrolled in teaching mentorships in 2010. Over the years Zak has trained and studied in many different styles and traditions, varying from more alignment based practices to vigorous vinyasa based styles. Zak has also specialized in teaching workshops and classes that cater to beginners as well as more advanced trainings and mentorships for those looking to deepen their yoga knowledge and teaching skills. He loves the immediacy of adapting the practice so that every person can access it to serve their unique needs, today.

Zak taught full time in the Seattle and King county area for years, leading retreats and trainings too. In February of 2020 he was hired by Seattle fire, just before the pandemic so in that time he was away from the community learning a new and challenging career. It is both an honor and a great source of wellness for him to be back in the yoga room and in community again; he is thrilled to still be able to share this powerful and transformational practice with you all! Come shift your energy with a new flow every week.

breezy charles

Breezy Charles is a former hip hop and breakdancer and lifetime lover of all things physical.
She offers her students a safe and inclusive space to move, experiment, stretch, and grow.
Her passion for life, self-love and acceptance are recurring themes in her yoga practice. Her goal is to spread joy and light through approachable, real yoga and movement.
She is an avid lover of hip hop, old school r&b, vegan food, houseplants, and has been known to stop people in the street in order to pet their dog.​​

natalia rudovsky
Natalia became passionate about yoga after experiencing it’s positive impact firsthand. Gaining strength, flexibility, peace of body and mind not experienced before, she marvels at the lifelong journey of yoga. She started practicing in 2002 and a few months after she was hooked. She feels that yoga is an artful expression of physical and spiritual self, a connection beyond what we experience in the current form.

Natalia was born and raised in Slovakia, Bratislava. She lived in Austria and Canada before she moved to America. During her travels to Thailand, Bali and Nepal she was taken by the people and the close connection to spirituality in their everyday lives.

She has worked as a cardiac RN for 14 years, a type of work that requires a deep sense of compassion and empathy, often taking care of patients and their families at their most vulnerable state.

Natalia is grateful to share her passion, deep respect and knowledge of yoga with the community.

greta teaches monday 5:30p vinyasa & 7p vin + restore and Saturday morning vinyasa. join us!

Greta is a sincere student and deep practitioner of yoga. She has been teaching yoga internationally for over 20 years. Greta has mentored with some of the top teachers in the yoga and Ayurveda world and received certification in both Anusara and Vinyasa since she started teaching in 2000. She taught yoga extensively in Los Angeles, Bangkok, Brazil and New York before moving to Seattle.

Serving as the Co-Director and a lead teacher for Rasa Yoga, Greta facilitates Rasa Yoga Teacher Trainings, retreats, and online yoga lifestyle courses around the world. She has served as a consultant for a variety of wellness magazines including Yoga Journal, and continues to work closely with Sianna Sherman, her great teacher and heart friend.

Greta is currently in a two-year mentorship for shadow work and emotional intelligence. She is dedicated to anti-racism work and to unpacking her own white privilege. Greta’s teaching is a heart centered, empowering fusion of form and flow and she is wildly devoted to helping students reclaim their beauty, awaken deep purpose, and cultivate vibrant health through yoga and Ayurvedic lifestyle.​

haley rae derge

look for haley subbing around the ritual house schedule!

Haley Rae’s relationship with yoga has evolved with her own spiritual journey over the past 9 years.

She believes deep healing can be found in safe community spaces. All of her classes focus on pairing breath with movement. She strives to create classes that are available for all levels, always adding variations to challenge & explore your body.

Haley Rae is traditionally trained in Hatha Yoga & Barre Eclipse. Her goal is that you leave class with a deeper connection to your strength & self. she graduated from yama yoga’s teacher training in may 2018 and moved to seattle shortly after in june 2019. since her training ended she has taught regularly at studios and for corporate clients.

Tai is an experienced breathwork facilitator and healing guide who has been facilitating somatic

and expanded-state work for over a decade.

Her approach is one of assisting self-discovery and helping people connect to a deeper wisdom within, incorporating the body and nervous system, as well as the intelligence of the psyche and soul. Her work is informed by somatic psychotherapy (including developmental psychology and trauma, Internal Family Systems, and Hakomi psychotherapy), Yoga (Tantra and Śaivism), Buddhism, psychedelics, and core Shamanism.

“Tai is masterful at bringing people into space and holding a safe container for
deep work. She is an amazing healer, gentle yet powerful.”

daniella white

ritual house is excited to have hosted daniella’s sound baths once a month since 2015. These baths sell out more often than not. Come find out why...

Daniella has been practicing the art of sound healing since 2005. She is also a certified Usui Reiki Master, clairvoyant, past life regression healer, musician and artist. fascinated by the field of vibrational medicine, she was drawn to participate in a sound healing training course taught by renowned healer, tom kenyon. this work was deeply illuminating and allowed her to discover a unique way to combine reiki and sound therapy for healing purposes.​ ” it is my intent to assist you in releasing anything that is no longer serving you, and to help bring in resonant healing energy for your body, mind and spirit. you will leave feeling re-tuned and replenished, with a sense of restored balance.​”

As an artist, Daniella is a headdress maker, floral designer, painter, and vocalist. She is the front woman of her Electro Pop project YellaCatt. She also owns The Plumed Serpent headdress atelier.

A sound bath is an improvised concert with crystal singing bowls, vocal toning, and often gongs as well. During a sound bath you are bathed in healing vibrations that help you achieve deep states of relaxation, where the brain entrains to the meditative theta state and the body moves into a process of healing and repairing itself. read more on our events page!

stay in touch
thanks! we look forward to meeting you.